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Última llamada a Durban “Más allá de los números: un llamamiento por la justicia social, económica y climática en el turismo”
Miércoles, 23 de Noviembre de 2011 17:29


El FTR hace suyo el llamamiento para una justicia climática, económica y social en el turismo, redactado por Tourism Watch/ Church Development Service (EED), Ecumenical Coalition On Tourism (ECOT), arbeitskreis tourismus & entwicklung (AKTE), Naturefriend,  International (NFI), Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA), y respaldado, además de por el FTR, por otras 32 organizaciones de todo el mundo, de cara a la próxima Cumbre Climática de Durban, en Sudáfrica, que deberá resolver cómo se va a encarar la política ecológica mundial durante este siglo, dado que el Protocolo de Kyoto, que tiene vigencia actualmente, vence el año que viene.

Un desarrollo más sostenible y justo del turismo es necesario para reducir sus impactos en el clima y contribuir eficazmente a aliviar la pobreza y a crear oportunidades para las comunidades y actores relevantes de los destinos turísticos. Las ONGs y personas del Sur y del Norte son conscientes de que el turismo se usa como una escusa para evitar cualquier tipo de regulación vinculante de las emisiones de gases a efectos invernaderos del sector de la aviación.

Tourism industry interest groups argue that a regulative framework for capping emissions from international air traffic could have negative impacts on tourism revenues that are assumed to contribute to poverty alleviation in developing countries. Their message in brief is: ‘A binding climate regime for tourism might undermine development and its targets.’


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Call for an open debate on climate justice in tourism

In the run-up to the climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa, an international alliance of civil society organisations has called upon negotiators to seriously and objectively address the role of tourism. The alliance points out that it is irresponsible to exclude aviation on the grounds that  tourism is an "engine of development" and argues that globally binding negotiations on aviation emissions will, if managed properly, enhance rather than undermine poverty reduction.
In a joint position paper, civil society organisations from the global North and South – including akte (Switzerland), EED/Tourism Watch (Germany), ECOT (Thailand), FTTSA (South Africa) and Naturefriends International – express their concern regarding the position taken by tourism lobby groups in the international climate negotiations. This NGO alliance criticises the often-cited claim brought forward by the travel and tourism industry that climate-related regulation of the aviation sector would make developing countries lose a considerable portion of their tourism income – a loss which would have negative impacts on poverty alleviation. According to this argument, binding emission reduction targets for the aviation sector would threaten the achievement of economic development goals.
Tourism does not automatically equal poverty alleviation
For Christian Baumgartner, General Secretary of Naturefriends International, the claims that tourism automatically contributes to poverty alleviation in developing countries and that binding emission reduction targets for the sector would compromise poverty alleviation are unsupportable. "Only a fair and more sustainable tourism development can mitigate the negative impact of tourism on the climate and can actually contribute to poverty alleviation," Mr. Baumgartner emphasizes.
The organisations supporting the Call to Durban demand a serious and differentiated debate on tourism's contribution to poverty alleviation. "The travel and tourism industry have successfully protected their business interests in the name of poverty alleviation. However, it is urgent and imperative to address the complex social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts of tourism in destinations, especially the situation of employees and local communities," says Christine Plüss (Swiss Working Group Tourism and Development – akte).

Who profits?

Evidence from various case studies has shown that a large part of the income from tourism does not remain in developing countries, but leaks back to international investors. More often than not, the remaining income fails to benefit the poor. Rather, local elites will profit from it. "The poor in the so-called developing countries are the ones who suffer most from climate change – which they have not caused. And they hardly participate in or benefit from international tourism, even though this has often been claimed," says Caesar D'Mello (Ecumenical Coalition On Tourism – ECOT). "The tourism industry must change, it must become fairer. In South Africa, we have a range of policies and policy instruments and public-private partnerships that can help to inspire more equitable tourism development on a global scale,” states Jennifer Seif (Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa – FTTSA).

Economic growth is no end in itself

"The debate on the role of tourism must go beyond repeating the same phrases over and over again, exclusively emphasizing the positive economic effects of tourism growth and failing to address the various negative impacts especially on the poor. It is high time to discuss the impacts of rapid tourism growth on the climate, biodiversity, natural resources and human development in a critical manner. Economic growth is not an end in itself. What we need is a human rights based approach," demands Heinz Fuchs (German Church Development Service – EED).

Side event in Durban:
On 5th December, 2011, during the climate negotiations in Durban, ECOT, EED Tourism Watch and FTTSA will be organising a panel discussion on climate justice and tourism. The panel will include a representative of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Title: Side event: Climate Justice and Tourism - sustainable tourism practice alleviates poverty more effectively than tourism growth numbers

Time: 05/12/2011, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Venue: C17 - 'People`s Space', Room Shepstone 5, The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)

Contact in Durban: Sabine Minninger, EED-Tourism Watch, Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla , +49-176-65181271

More information, facts, figures, and positions in "LAST CALL TO DURBAN"

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